<![CDATA[NANOCERS - Blog by guest nanocers]]>Sun, 01 Sep 2024 08:21:02 +0200Weebly<![CDATA[The Goldman Environmental Prize Winner]]>Wed, 28 Aug 2024 13:01:03 GMThttp://nanocers.com/blog-by-guest-nanocers/the-goldman-environmental-prize-winnerIn 2024 the Goldman Environmental Prize Winner is yet in the  Scientific Board of Advice
In 2024 the Goldman Environmental Prize Winner is yet in the Scientific Board of Advice.

The Goldman Environmental Prize Winner in Category Forest 1997 at the <Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species> in Lausanne to the ”Fish and Wildlife” Official who also was the US delegation: ”You need to do what you think best, but please remember that Sweden has equal footing with the United States at this meeting and will go forward with the proposal despite your opposition…. I assure you the United States will be the only country in the world to vote against this proposal.
… To explain why such a vote is not in the interests of the United States, I wonder if you would be willing to speak to the Senator on the phone?”
“The Official grew red in the face.
‘We will support the proposal’.
We toasted each other with Perrier, we savoured our victory.”

The quote is from the The Goldman Environmental Prize Co-Winner in Category Forest 1997’s work ”NAFANUA - Saving The Samoan Rainforest”.

The reasoning by Goldman Prize was Paul Cox and Fulono Senio worked to preserve 30k acre Samoan rainforest by developing economic alternatives for villagers as option to seeing their forest as their only source for income. (Goldman Prize, 2024)

<![CDATA[Rest In Peace «Svennis». Former head coach for the professional football team IFK Göteborg, the only Scandinavian Europe League winner in history, and its cross-over approach to other sports in the Gothenburg sports community.]]>Mon, 26 Aug 2024 14:41:58 GMThttp://nanocers.com/blog-by-guest-nanocers/rest-in-peace-svennis-former-head-coach-for-the-professional-football-team-ifk-goteborg-the-only-scandinavian-europe-league-winner-in-history-and-its-cross-over-approach-to-other-sports-in-the-gothenburg-sports-communityRest In Peace «Svennis». 

Former head coach for the professional football team IFK Göteborg, the only Scandinavian Europe League winner in history, and its cross-over approach to other sports in the Gothenburg sports community.

The open pictures by Wikimedia Commons (2024) will be replaced by my own pictures as soon as possible. I am out of town!
The House of Athletics, Gothenburg Sweden.

This morning the news reached us, which were expected although earlier than we were hoping for. Sven-Göran Eriksson eventually left us, yet too early. The former leader to a multi-athletic era prior to the millenium shift, by bringing Gothenburgs professional football club in financial terms to the town’s greatest (multi-athletic) success within the sports community ever with the Europe League winner title in football, eventually twice, in the 1980s. Which partly brought a resultant of a movement as to physical activity the decades to come, no mater which part of the city you came from. Assumingly regardless which sports discipline brought to topic? (I can not speak on behalf of activities beyond my own/  I never enrolled)
Back at the millennium shift my routines were mostly carried out in silence early in the mornings and late in the evenings, drawing little attention. 
​The open pictures by Wikimedia Commons (2024) will be replaced by my own pictures as soon as possible. I am out of town!
Änggårdsbergen nature reserve, Gothenburg Sweden.
Beyond my R.I.P. prayers and mourning, probably only at that time my closest spare time circle within the sports community and maybe my student campus neighbors on «Olofshöjd Campus» where I lived on campus 4 years in my late teenage years, will understand these throw back thoughts.  Such as those who always brought comments on me and my mates when I woke up 5.45 a.m. every school day to do my morning practice, whether it was to the fitness centre at Chalmers University or my 12k morning run at Änggårdsbergen nature reserve before having my breakfast and catching my per routine tram to school  departing at 7.58 every morning through 2,5 years. Regardless if there was a snow blizzard demanding XC spiked shoes or traditional Gothenburg cloudburst 6 am in the morning, the hours and time span per routine between 5.45 and 7.58 are timescales I still recall today. The alarm bell at 5.45 am and the tram to catch at 7.58 am.

Often people asked from where I got that energy? Well except my athlete buddies and closest friendship circle who were on the same league and in town, there were a handful childhood idols who inspired and brought motivation to live another life than the big (less healthy) crowd, who didn’t and still today don’t grasp the spirit achieved from setting goals and the endorphins created from the body by being fit to run 25k at a regular work out in the wilderness, anytime.

Far from the world of football (which I never played or had skills to play!), but yet success from other sports and athletes fueled by a spirit and energy throughout the entire sports community. Such as the chats I had in the winter work-outs accompanied with either the world record high jumper Patrik Sjöberg when he had his last year in his career or the IFK Göteborg football players being in Champions League who had their indoor team trainings simultaneously as us under the same roof at «Friidrottens Hus», The House Of Athletics. Which committed to fueling others to achieve and do the hard work on days when motivation could be on decline. 
To this cross-over spirit and discipline of achieving Sven-Göran Eriksson was in my opinion a role-model to the entire Scandinavian sports community! In Gothenburg, in Sweden, as with other countries throughout Europe and Africa later in his career. Not least through my stay in Florence/ Turin/ Milan in Italy through 2003-2004 + 2014, where three Super Swedes always came to topic while small-talking to Italians: Anja Pärson, IBRA and Sven-Göran Eriksson!

​Rest In Peace, «Svennis»!
The open pictures by Wikimedia Commons (2024) will be replaced by my own pictures as soon as possible. I am out of town!
 Text by Robert Hedrén (2024). 
<![CDATA[Justice and equality]]>Tue, 20 Aug 2024 18:03:12 GMThttp://nanocers.com/blog-by-guest-nanocers/justice-and-equalityWithin the catering and restaurant industry added to few years career within Sports Management in my early 20s I have ran a consulting and freelancing business. Recently I have had major business activities in continental Europe, serving among others clients within the five star hotel industry, various sports venues or privately organized weddings.

Being a business and freelancing unit I have also witnessed the bad downside in the society. My judgement from the life is the society has a vast need as to bringing more justice, through the social levels in the society and internationally. 

​With that being said, many years I thought of doing something with my academia, which I actually never used in my professional life - yet within catering, fine dining and sports management more than indirectly. 

If a commitment within the field of Criminal Justice brings me to eventually becoming a certified lawyer, employee within legal authorities such as a police department or just bringing my business career to a higher level of justice I can not tell today. But I am sure at frictions in the society we all mutually need to start somewhere, and let our skills mutually grow.

For the time being and on my professional spare time I will be busy with learning Criminal Justice at a Faculty of Law Administration alongside with my career and catering assignments. This add-on commitment will not affect our supplies more than I might outsource some administration and assignments when weekly schedules end up on  collision course.
Text and photo by Robert Hedrén 
<![CDATA[The baton is not ready to leave this end yet]]>Mon, 01 Jul 2024 18:33:05 GMThttp://nanocers.com/blog-by-guest-nanocers/the-baton-is-not-ready-to-leave-this-end-yetOf course there are days where desire diminishes  down to a level of wanting to throw in the towel. 
By doing so easing the stress by handing over the daily battles with amoral competition in various countries and cultures. 
Letting more flexible capacities commit to easing the stress by
  • not letting global unrests throughout the supply chains affect and hurt directly.
  • not letting landslides demanding attention on days where there’s no capacity for breaking the schedule affect and hurt directly 
  • not letting quibbles over someone who speaks 5 different languages throughout a day for everybody’s good don’t maintain a conversation with perfect grammar, affect and hurt directly 
  • not having to deal with practically inessential administration work for commitments abroad that are paused 
Easing the stress by switching to a simple role as employee on the floor, where operational management is carried out by somebody else. 
But being reminded by the fact that if it’s not being done, the likelihood the operations X or Y are  gonna go the whole way as to realizing the vision in bringing a change in industrial supply chain habits forward and for the better to the production end is not 100% either. Given by the fact a background of experiences and interactions can’t be copied. 
These pictures might be interpreted as a retreat. Nonetheless the candour is that its wilderness and landscape represent a vision board. A vision in elevating the grassroots and what glues this world’s diversities to be united, and be approached fairly. 🫘☕️🍫🥣🫐

The international business battles, the aggressive cultures and habits and the dealing with management modes in several countries simultaneously are not healthy. I deeply look forward to retiring as a business operator in this field and passing over the baton. To being a simple employee, working with food production and running, without the stress from management modes. 
But the baton is not ready to leave this end yet. This vision board is not realized; thus the job is not complete. All I know by being the first runner on this vision board is that I am not the last one carrying the baton. Will you be the one uphill who eventually grabs the baton? 

// Robert Hedren 

#hedrendeveloppement24 #hedrendeveloppement #firewalker #epoch #hawaiitileaves #tileafextract #skyrunning #sportsmanagement #kitchenmanagement #catering #dining #gigberries ​#firstmover #groundbreaker #firstmovers #groundbreakers
<![CDATA[My first blog on International Women‘s Day 2024! Welcome to my blog!]]>Fri, 08 Mar 2024 19:01:09 GMThttp://nanocers.com/blog-by-guest-nanocers/my-first-blog-on-international-womens-day-2024-welcome-to-my-blog
​Welcome to my blog and my sharing of my active life with mountains, senior fitness and wellbeing. I think International Women’s Day is a great day to post my first blog post. 
Can you imagine​ between these two images of me in the mountains, there are 50 years life span? I hope such a lifespan and passion for the mountains can be interesting to you. I hope you will enjoy being part of my path to come. :)

The photos are from my 700 vertical metres and 6 hours long hike to Mount Nuolja in Swedish Lappland 2023 and Glattalp in Switzerland 1973.

How can I motivate you and what do you want me to share in my blog from my life in the mountains, wilderness and the nature?

